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Zdjęcia promujące I want to believe można już ogladać w polskich serwisach m.in. na stronie Gazety Wyborczej(podziękowania dla Hogci za znalezienie tego)
Chris Carter's The X-Files: I Want To Believe probably will do most of its business its opening weekend, but there should be enough demand among the original fans to make that a really big opening weekend, so $100 million is almost guaranteed even if it's grossly frontloaded.
Imagine, having tumors form on the nerves of your body at any time, throughout you life, threatening you with disfigurement, deafness, blindness, seizures, bone deformity and even cancer.
I’m Gillian Anderson and this is Neurofibromatosis, or NF for short. A genetic disorder that can affect any family. Half the children born with NF have no family history of it and it affects over a hundred thousand people in the USA.
There is no cure, but there is hope. We need caring people like you to join our effort.
Scores of celebrities and artists have shown they care by donating one of a kind doodle art for auctioning on Ebay.
Join me by participating on the National Doodle Day Ebay Auction beginning on May 8th.
Profits from the auction benefit NF Inc. , a national non-profit organization dedicated to serving families affected by Neurofibromatosis.
You can preview these delightful doodles right now at www.doodledayusa.org
For more information about NF, please visit www.nfinc.org
Use your noodle and buy a doodle.
Who's the most surprising X-Files fan you've come across?
Sean Penn came up to me one night at a party and told me about an episode we had done in season 6. He said, ''That's the best X-Files you guys have ever done.'' I'm thinking, what's he doing watching the show?
'All of these you saw on the tee-vee, along with the night's most unexpected guest, David Duchovny, who accompanied his son, Miller. Both dashing gentlemen had donned sportcoats for the occasion, and Miller brought a lovely handmade sign voicing support for both David A. and David C., a dual loyalty that was echoed across the room. Note to prospective signmakers: There is no apostrophe in "Davids," plural. Young Miller did not make that mistake (must be the Ivy League blood), but several others did, and it upset me.'
David Duchovny
Gillian Anderson
Amanda Peet
Billy Connolly
Callum Keith Rennie
Adam Godley
Nicki Lynn Aycox
The crew returned to the same site in Vancouver where they shot the pilot, despite the freezing temperatures. Gillian Anderson was so cold that she had trouble moving her lips to deliver her lines.
How much easier is it working David again now that you’re not on top of each other for 16 hours a day?
It’s great. It was great then too. It’s all – it’s just like a sibling relationship. You know. And I never had siblings. I had brothers and sisters that started when I was 13 so I was out of the house and didn’t have that experience. There was always this natural love-hate – hate’s too big a word – but you know what I mean? There was always something. Whether it was us coming together or us keeping our distance, whatever it is it’s just a natural relationship. In the history, over a period of time. And I think that now we’ve grown up and we’re older and, um, I think we’re more appreciative of, um, the relationship period. And the unique experience that we had together. And we have an opportunity to continue that and foster it and, you know, we’ve always loved each other and we’re always going to be at battle sometimes. It’s just, you know --
And likewise, according to fellow “X-Files 2” screenwriter Frank Spotnitz, audiences should beware of idle speculation online. “They shouldn’t believe anything because they’re going to feel burned or disappointed inevitably that day,” he argued. “So that’s really been our stance all along because there’s so much misinformation on the Internet. And people saying they have credible sources or call-sheets that are of dubious authenticity. The best thing is to view everything skeptically and wait for the movie.”
What took you guys so long to make this sequel?
It seems like forever, but it's not that long for any of us who were actually making it. After 200-and-some-odd episodes, everybody was very excited to go off and find the next phase of their career, discover their life, raise their children, whatever it was. It took a couple years to get everybody back on the same page, but now here we are and we've done it.
I’m Gillian Anderson and this is Masterpiece Classic.
Rudyard Kipling--one of the most inventive and original storytellers who ever lived. He had a gift for narrative and was the first English writer to win the Nobel Prize. The Jungle Books were as popular in their time as Harry Potter is in ours. At the end of the 19th century, he was the most famous man in the world. He was a globetrotter who took enormous pride in being English. When he finally settled in England, he called it “the most wonderful foreign land I’ve ever been in.” Yet his enormous success and reputation went hand in hand with the brashness and chauvinism of the British Empire, and his rampant patriotism would exact a heavy toll very close to home.