czwartek, 19 czerwca 2008

Kilka szczegółów o sesji dla TV GUIDE

W internecie pojawiły się drobne przecieki na temat tego jak nasi ulubieńcy będą w specjalnej sesji dla magazynu TV GUIDE. Oto oryginalna treść newsa
-Mock Ups of GA and DD were done this week, they photoshopped them together but they are nicely done as reported.

-2 dresses were tried on Gillian. A sexy red one (that was strapless and also had criss crossing straps across her chest... my guessing they removed the straps) and a more demure purple number. The red one is looking as though it could be the "one"

- DD is in a blue collared, long sleeve shirt with a blazer over the top.

- One of the poses was of DD and GA back to back ( and nicely done)

- There were a lot of photos taken so there will many to chose from!

- GA did smile in some... but the trademark glare is also very prevalent. Also no visible signs of pregnancy on her either.

Dlaczego ciąża Gillian nie jest widoczna?? Hmmmmmm
Jak będzie wyglądać okładka i które zdjęcia doczekaja się publikacji?? Na odpowiedzi przyjdzie nam jeszcze poczekać.

NEWS THANKS TO Erin and Lisa!!

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