The Stream Tv przeprowadziło ostatnio wywiad ze znaną pisarką Katherine Fugate (jest ona autorką m. in. jednej z ulubionych książek Gillian -VERONIKA DECIDES TO DIE) Caly wywiad poswięcony jest serialowi Army Wives, lecz jak się okazuje pisarka jest bliską przyjaciółka Gillian i wspomina o niej aż dwukrotnie w tym wywiadzie.
Fragment o procesie kupowania praw do ekranizaji Veronica decides to die - min 13
"I went through that process with my good friend Gillian Anderson, who is on X-Files as much as many many other great movies. We had tried to adapt...get the rights to a book."
Druga wzmianka o Gillian -min 42
I think with Gillian, I wanna write another project with. There are two projects we keep going back and forth on. We are definitely going to work together. It's a big dream of ours. I think the X-files was hard for me to write because it's not necessarily my style of writing, all of that medical terminology. But the spiritual episodes, like the one Gillian wrote, directed herself, called "All Things", which is a fantastic story. I don't want to tell Gillian's stories, but it's about how much that meant to her. I think if you watch the DVD, she'll tell you she is so excited about. That has a spiritual component, and that is what Gillian and I have in common. So we are going to take that and put it into a show or movie where it fits.
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Grazie Adry!!!!!!!!!
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