sobota, 26 kwietnia 2008

Inna wersja PSA z głosem Gillian

Możecie ja znaleźć na oficjalnej stronie Gillian GAWS
Ta wersja jest nieco dłuższa i wolniejsza niż poprzednia

Możecie ją zgrać z tego linka, klikajac na niego prawym przyciskiem myszy ;) PSA jest tak jak poprzednio w formacie mp3

Oto zrobiona przeze mnie transkrypcja
Imagine, having tumors form on the nerves of your body at any time, throughout you life, threatening you with disfigurement, deafness, blindness, seizures, bone deformity and even cancer.

I’m Gillian Anderson and this is Neurofibromatosis, or NF for short. A genetic disorder that can affect any family. Half the children born with NF have no family history of it and it affects over a hundred thousand people in the USA.

There is no cure, but there is hope. We need caring people like you to join our effort.

Scores of celebrities and artists have shown they care by donating one of a kind doodle art for auctioning on Ebay.

Join me by participating on the National Doodle Day Ebay Auction beginning on May 8th.

Profits from the auction benefit NF Inc. , a national non-profit organization dedicated to serving families affected by Neurofibromatosis.

You can preview these delightful doodles right now at

For more information about NF, please visit

Use your noodle and buy a doodle.

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