czwartek, 24 kwietnia 2008

Wywiad z Gillian - JoBlo

Im bliżej premiery I want to believe tym wiecej będzie pojawiać się materiałów promujących tę produkcję. Tym razem głos zabrała nasza ulubienica. W opublikowanym kilka dni temu w serwisie JoBlo wywiadzie Gillian opowiada o swojej pracy na planie, powrocie do roli Scully i o tym dlaczego teraz lepiej pracuje się jej z Davidem
Oto fragment
How much easier is it working David again now that you’re not on top of each other for 16 hours a day?

It’s great. It was great then too. It’s all – it’s just like a sibling relationship. You know. And I never had siblings. I had brothers and sisters that started when I was 13 so I was out of the house and didn’t have that experience. There was always this natural love-hate – hate’s too big a word – but you know what I mean? There was always something. Whether it was us coming together or us keeping our distance, whatever it is it’s just a natural relationship. In the history, over a period of time. And I think that now we’ve grown up and we’re older and, um, I think we’re more appreciative of, um, the relationship period. And the unique experience that we had together. And we have an opportunity to continue that and foster it and, you know, we’ve always loved each other and we’re always going to be at battle sometimes. It’s just, you know --

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